Lidex - about us

Lidex – since 2003 No. 1

in the rankings of Polish translation companies

Dear Customers,

we have been present in the Polish market since 1989. We offer unique, unrivalled translation, interpretation and conference services – both traditional and online.

A combination of the highest competencies of our translators and interpreters, graphic designers, technical managers, project managers and members of our IT and R&D teams. Seasoned with the quintet of ISO certificates and numerous awards and recognitions.

For three decades, we have been constantly improving ourselves in terms of quality, innovation, business conduct as well as motivating our teams and engaging them in sustainable development initiatives.

We believe that we will be able serve you indisputably delicious and varied translation, interpretation and conference meals. In addition to meeting your needs, we would also like to amaze you with our services, the way of providing them, and the quality of communication.

Try out the taste of working with us

Lidex - zespół

(from left)

Iwona Zenio
Chief Operating Officer

Dorota Emanuel-Roszkowska
Chief Executive Officer

Justyna Wyszyńska
Technology and Business
Development Director

Our Mission, Vision, Objectives and Values

We defined our mission, vision, objectives and values more than 30 years ago. Since then, almost everything has changed in our work, but Lidex mission, vision, objectives and values are timeless:

Our mission

Improving the quality of life through the removal of linguistic and technical barriers in the interactions between individuals.

Our vision

We always want to remain the leader in the translation and technical services market in order to facilitate interactions between people as well as their access to knowledge and information.

Our objectives

The primary objective of Lidex is providing comprehensive assistance to our customers by providing them with language and technical services of superior quality.

Our values

The corporate values developed over the years of our presence in the market remain the key to the dynamic development of our company. Our fundamental values include:

  • the pursuit of quality and the utmost satisfaction of our customers
  • investing in the development of the members of our team
  • commitment, passion and work satisfaction
  • sustainable development

We differentiate ourselves through our people

We focus on talents and diversity

What Lidex values most are GREAT PEOPLE – our current and former employees and associates. We really know how to attract above-average, talented people. We offer them opportunities to grow, discover new personal strengths and fulfil career dreams and ambitions. We are focused on different styles of work and different needs of our teams.

The top managerial staff of Lidex are women. The middle management staff is also in 70% female.

Lidex is a good example that equal opportunities lead to excellent business results. Our great female managers are extremely creative, brave, empathetic and committed. They are true leaders – their combined talents and everyday work really make a difference and help Lidex to keep its leading position in the translation market in Poland.

At Lidex, we apply

the WELLBEING strategy

Ethics and sustainable development

The position of the market leader also obliges us towards our Employees and Partners: they are our most valuable asset. With their sense of security in mind, we have created our Code of Ethics and appointed an Ethics Ombudsman. UN Global Compact recognised us for participating in the Standard of Ethics in Poland programme.

Equal opportunities in business
We are also engaged in the UN Global Compact “Equal Opportunities in Business” programme inaugurated with an event held on 6 March 2020 at the Warsaw Stock Exchange and supported by our conference team. UNGC has recognised us also for this involvement.

We apply a proven WELLBEING strategy:

  • rewarding work and a sense of having influence,
  • authentic, friendly and candid relationships,
  • security and financial stability,
  • sense of being a part of the company,
  • building a strong community, and
  • good health, including prevention, are constant components of our corporate culture.

Certificates, awards, recognitions, acknowledgements

We want to maintain our leading position in the translation industry and set directions and trends. But we also want to provide help and support. We want to confirm to our customers that they work with an agency that not only provides top quality services but also cares about its employees, supports those in need and engages in green initiatives.


Dear Customers and Partners, it is for you that we keep improving our quality: we have obtained the master’s quintet of ISO certificates, and we do not stop there.

Quality Management System – since 2001
Quality Management System
– since 2001
Translation Process Management System – since 2012
Translation Process Management System
– since 2012
Information Security Management System – since 2013
Information Security Management System
– since 2013
Machine Translation Postediting Management System – since 2019
Machine Translation Postediting Management System
– since 2019
Privacy Information Management System– since 2023
Privacy Information Management System
– since 2023


1st place in the “Website without barriers” competition
1st place in the
“Website without barriers” competition
Arts & Business Award for a joint project with the Zachęta Gallery in Warsaw
Arts & Business Award for a joint project with the Zachęta Gallery in Warsaw
An order of merit “for the services for the Warsaw University of Life Sciences” for a series of student internships
An order of merit “for the services for the Warsaw University of Life Sciences” for a series of student internships
“For the Benefactors” Award for many years of pro bono support
“For the Benefactors” Award for many years of pro bono support
Ex Animo Foundation statuette
for many years of pro bono support
Ex Animo Foundation statuette
for many years of pro bono support
Investor in Human Capital – three times
Investor in Human Capital – three times
“Symbol of Social Responsibility” for our overall CSR activities
“Symbol of Social Responsibility” for our overall CSR activities
Customer-Friendly Company Award – five times
Customer-Friendly Company Award – five times
Grand Prix in the “translation and interpreting services” category
Grand Prix
in the “translation and interpreting services” category
4 x Customer’s Golden Laurel
in the “translation and interpreting services” category
4 x Customer’s Golden Laurel
in the “translation and interpreting services” category


As a member of UN Global Compact Poland, we not only support this organisation with our services (including translation and conference services). We are also involved in UNGC initiatives, and the organisation has recognised us for participating in its programmes:

Standard Etyki w Polsce
Standard of Ethics in Poland
We support UN Global Compact
Równe Szanse w Biznesie
Equal Opportunities in Business


We are very pleased that for years we have been able to support cultural institutions – through our pro bono activities – and we are awarded with beautiful acknowledgements for that. We are particularly proud of the acknowledgements from the Royal Castle in Warsaw and Zachęta Gallery.

It is also very rewarding to be thanked for our charity activities – by foundations and individuals, and for our “Be visible” programmes – by local schools and kindergartens.

We provide our support in different forms, continuous and one-off – to the best of our capabilities. Also with the initiatives of our team.

We like sharing these activities, and we are very proud of them, because they are an important part of our organisational culture. They also help to integrate Lidex team members and see the other person’s right to wellbeing as well as the role of culture and art in our lives.

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