Lidex - lider na rynku tłumaczeń w Polsce

Lidex – a leader

there can be only one leader in the translation and interpretation market in Poland

We have been operating since 1989. We provide comprehensive services that eliminate language and technical barriers in interpersonal contacts: translations, interpreting, we provide technical support for conferences and events. We are constantly developing and changing to be the best provider of these services for you. Since 2003, we have consistently held the No. 1 position in the Book of Lists rankings of Polish translation agencies.

Lidex - tłumaczenia

Translation and interpreting

We provide translation and interpreting services (conference, simultaneous – conventional and online) in all useful languages and specialties, as well as machine translation with post-editing, localisation of films, multimedia, graphic services – including typesetting (DTP).

Lidex - obsługa konferencji


We provide technical support for conferences, events, training courses – on-site, hybrid, online. We provide simultaneous interpreting systems, discussion systems, multimedia, sound systems, lighting systems, LED screens – with service and transport in Poland and Europe.

Lidex - zintegrowane usługi online

Online services

We offer access to > 400 translators and interpreters of 36 languages working remotely, as well as our own tool: #LIDEXONLINE remote interpreter’s desktop. We carry out online and hybrid events in our own online studio or in any location. We provide event streaming.

5 ISO certificates = highest quality of customer service

We will ensure the quality and security of our communication, your data and the solutions provided. The quality and safety are guaranteed by our ISO certificates. Since 2000, we have been consistently undergoing subsequent certification and recertification audits.

ISO 9001
ISO 17100
ISO 27001
ISO 18587
ISO 27701
We are eco-friendly

Sustainable development

In order for our cooperation to have a more human dimension, we encourage joint actions for sustainable development. We conduct these activities at the same time on many levels.

They trusted us:

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