On 4 March, we were a partner of the EUROPE OF EQUAL PAYMENTS – POLISH PROPOSAL FOR LEGAL SOLUTIONS conference organised by the Congress of Women Association.
On 6 March, on the other hand, we were a partner of the RING THE BELL event at the Warsaw Stock Exchange. We provided translation services as well as simultaneous interpreting equipment.
This year, more than 90 stock exchanges from around the world took part in the “Ring the Bell for Gender Equality” event. On the occasion of the International Women’s Day, and owing to Global Compact Network Poland and the Warsaw Stock Exchange (GPW), also in Poland the stock exchange bell rang symbolically for the sixth time, so as to draw the attention to the problem of equality between men and women, both on the labour market and in society.
Thanks to the speeches by the Ambassadors, we could learn what good practices do various countries implement. Business world representatives talked about the steps taken by the business that may—and must—play a key role in raising the awareness as regards women’s empowerment.
Here is a photo coverage from the event…