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  • HomeNews20232022 at LIDEX – SUMMARY

    2022 at LIDEX – SUMMARY

    The challenging year 2022 has passed:

    We have completed more than 14,000 projects for over 1,200 clients.

    This includes more than 1,000 conference events – which gives us nearly 3 projects every day.

    Hybrid and online events were certainly the king and queen of 2022 interpreting and meeting support services.

    We delivered more than 50 written projects every business day of 2022.

    That also means more than 256,000 translated pages in over 170 language combinations.

    The most interesting languages used in our translations (in all possible combinations – Polish-foreign; foreign-Polish; foreign-foreign) are: Tajik, Armenian, Catalan, Macedonian, Icelandic, Japanese, Korean, Indonesian, Hebrew, Flemish, Finnish, Chinese, Bosnian, Arabic, Azeri, Kazakh, Hindi, Thai, Albanian, and Polish Sign Language.

    We would like to thank our Clients, Partners, Employees and Co-Workers for these joint achievements. We wish you many interesting challenges and success in 2023.

    Merry Christmas! 2022
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