International conferences and meetings are the fuel of development, business and trade. The multilingual buzz of conversations, multimedia presentations on LED screens, a row of simultaneous interpretation booths, atmospheric lighting and a world-class atmosphere are all intrinsic attributes of a live conference. We believe it will all come back, and periodically there has been a migration of all communications to the Internet and a rapid development of online communication platforms.
In order to make the most of the online interactions time, Lidex has developed and implemented a proprietary solution – the REMOTE INTERPRETER DESKTOP application #LIDEXONLINE#.
It enables customers to organise international conferences and any events together with LIDEX in a secure and simple way, and online interpreting can take place in any combination and in any number of languages. Ongoing interpretation in the chosen language is received on the same platform as the main event and allows the event to run smoothly.
With this solution, customers can hold their meetings on any platform such as Zoom, Teams, Skype, Google Meet, Webex, Clickmeeting, as well as on their own platforms developed or adapted for online communication. Streaming of interpretations to social media and online transmission to any audience is also possible.
The application is extremely user-friendly for interpreters, offering them a comfortable working environment and uninterrupted direct contact, which results in a higher quality of the received interpretation. A very important advantage of the Remote Desktop is the possibility for interpreters to work from any location, including home.
For instance, we have provided interpreting services for online conferences, where interpreters worked from various locations in the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Slovakia and Lithuania, interpreting the presentations of the speakers and the ensuing discussion in real time and having a constant preview of the presentations that were being discussed during the event, which was possible solely thanks to our solution.
By implementing the Remote Interpreter Desktop in July 2020, Lidex has already serviced several hundred online conferences (with remote interpretation), often using its own Studio.
The Remote Interpreter Desktop as an innovative solution has been described on the trade platform