On Thursday, 24 October, Lidex representatives had the pleasure of participating in the UN DAY 2024 Gala.
On behalf of the board, they received two awards during the event: one for climate protection activities and the other for promoting labour standards, human rights protection, and ethical standards, which are the foundations of sustainable development in Poland and around the world. We are pleased that our efforts in these areas have been recognised, motivating us to continue our development.
As a partner of UN Global, Lidex provided interpreters and a simultaneous interpreting system for the event.
As in previous years, the Gala was accompanied by the ceremonial publication of the “Yearbook UN GCNP 2024”. The report can be found at: https://bit.ly/yearbook2024ungcnp We strongly encourage you to take a look, especially since on page 195, Lidex General Director Dorota Emanuel-Roszkowska discusses the topic of Human Rights in the digital world.