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    Good practice to protect online privacy

    Dobre Praktyki w zakresie ochrony prywatności w sieci

    Minimise the risks to your online privacy:

    1. Data encryption and cryptography – When sending confidential data, check recipients and use file encryption techniques (zip files and anonymising of pdf files) or use a special channel.
    2. Monitoring of safeguards implemented – Test, measure and evaluate the effectiveness of technical and organisational measures regularly to ensure the security of data processing.
    3. Dealing with security incidents – Develop incident response plans (incident prevention, detection and response and lessons learned) ensuring business continuity and crisis management.
    4. Secure passwords –Use strong passwords with various characters, different for each website, additionally invest in the use of password managers and use two-factor authentication wherever possible.
    5. Updates – Update your system and software regularly to protect yourself from new forms of cyber-attacks.
    6. Wi-Fi network – Secure your Wi-Fi network and do not use public wireless networks.
    7. Using the Internet with caution – Do not access suspicious websites and do not download illegal files.
    8. Cybersecurity risks – Analyse the risks and security policies for IT systems and establish procedures (testing and auditing) to assess the effectiveness of measures to manage cybersecurity risks. Ensure security in the acquisition, development and maintenance of networks and IT systems (including handling and disclosure of vulnerabilities).
    9. Safeguards against phishing –Use the principle of limited trust – verify the sender and links before clicking, check the URL of websites, be careful of shortened links, do not share logins and passwords, always check suspicious messages.
    10. Staff knowledge and awareness –Provide ongoing training and education for staff to effectively counter cyber-attacks.

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