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    Good practice to protect your privacy

    Dobre Praktyki w zakresie ochrony prywatności

    Minimise the risks to your privacy:

    1. Confidentiality of conversations –Make sure that conversations can only be heard by authorised persons (both within the organisation and in public places).
    2. Clean desk rule – While away from your desk, do not leave confidential documents on it.
    3. Clean screen rule –Do not store documents on your desktop – when you forget to log off, a cybercriminal has easy access to your data. When you walk away from your computer, lock your screen, ensuring the confidentiality of the information you display.
    4. Use of storage media – Encrypt data stored on external drives and memory sticks.
    5. Disposal of documents –Shred documents with confidential data in a shredder, don’t throw them in the bin.
    6. Printing documents –Do not leave documents near the printer as there may be confidential data in them. Remember not to leave misprints near the printer – shred them in a shredder.
    7. Presentation data –Make sure that information, photos, print screens or logos used in external presentations do not violate the customers’ and Our Organisation’s confidentiality.
    8. Confidentiality during travel – While travelling, keep an eye on company devices (do not leave devices unattended) and use laptop privacy filters in public places.
    9. Supervise visitors – Make sure that people outside the organisation do not have access to data and protected areas.
    10. Staff knowledge and awareness –Provide ongoing training and education for staff to effectively counter cyber-attacks.

    Good practice to protect online privacy
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