Lidex - aktualności

Lidex – jesteśmy tam

gdzie tworzy się historia


  • Internet Governance Forum

    Internet Governance Forum

    This year’s Internet Governance Forum (IGF) organised by the United Nations was held in an online format with active participation from Lidex The crisis of the conference industry as a result of COVID – 19 posed new challenges and created new opportunities regarding global internet governance. The new role of the internet is the main…

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  • We’ll get along!

    We’ll get along!

    Dear Customers! We are pleased to announce that Lidex provides services to Ukrainian and Russian customers in their native languages – Ukrainian and Russian. Contact us at (22) 512-47-00 or by e-mail at for comprehensive language support.

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  • Audio description: COVID-19

    Audio description: COVID-19

    Seeing how well our material for deaf people and people with speech disability on coronavirus was received, we want to help again! This time we have developed a guide for blind people, for whom getting information about COVID-19 is not so easy. With this material, such people can learn the complete data about the virus…

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  • Conferences without leaving your home

    Conferences without leaving your home

    Is there a threat that your conference is to be cancelled? It does not need to be so! Organise a conference with us whose participants do not have to leave their homes.

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  • Europe Of Equal Payments – Polish Proposal For Legal Solutions

    Europe Of Equal Payments – Polish Proposal For Legal Solutions

    On 4 March, we were a partner of the EUROPE OF EQUAL PAYMENTS – POLISH PROPOSAL FOR LEGAL SOLUTIONS conference organised by the Congress of Women Association. On 6 March, on the other hand, we were a partner of the RING THE BELL event at the Warsaw Stock Exchange. We provided translation services as well…

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  • Lidex – partner of The Diplomatic Opening of the Year 2020 of The Polish Chamber of Commerce

    Lidex – partner of The Diplomatic Opening of the Year 2020 of The Polish Chamber of Commerce

    The Diplomatic Opening of the Year 2020 was an event commencing celebrations of the 30th anniversary of the Polish Chamber of Commerce. The ceremony was held on 16  January in  the Olympic Centre in  Warsaw and  was attended by ambassadors, ministers, representatives of local governments, business organisations and entrepreneurs. Skasowano: Lidex had the honour of…

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  • Winning the tender

    Winning the tender

    We have just entered the new year of 2020, and winter holidays in the Silesian Voivodeship are already starting on 13 January. This is a great opportunity to visit the Silesian Museum, which will be hosting interesting activities for children and adults. We are all the more pleased that the Katowice Branch Office of the Lidex…

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