Lidex – jesteśmy tam
gdzie tworzy się historia
Christmas wishes
The turn of December and January is usually a time of reflection, summing up, and making plans for the future. That’s why we wish everyone that they can give this year an A with a big plus.
LED screens
There are many elements that contribute to the success of a conference, event, or meeting, and one of them is the selection of the optimal technical setting.
Anyone can be Santa Claus
Following the principle that together we can do more, in October the Management Board of Lidex proposed to employees participation in a campaign called “Smile for Christmas”.
Get involved 😊
Żeby zmieniać swoje otoczenie bądź czyjeś życie na lepsze nie zawsze potrzebne są wielkie czyny. Bardzo często wystarczy nawet niewielki wkład bądź wysiłek, który w połączeniu z działaniami innych może przynieść spektakularny efekt.
Employee initiatives
We are very proud that Lidex employees are sensitive and empathetic people who are committed to helping the excluded and weaker, and who also take pains to support other organisations in such activities.
Between 11 and 18 November, the 31st edition of the International Film Festival of the Art of Cinematography EnergaCAMERIMAGE 2023 will take place in Toruń.
UN DAY Gala 2023
On 24 October, like every year, the Lidex management team had the honour to participate in the UN DAY Gala 2023 and celebrate United Nations Day.
Against exclusion
Lidex’s mission is to enrich the quality of life by eliminating language and technical barriers in interpersonal contacts. We accomplish it not only through business activities, but also by undertaking all kinds of initiatives aimed at supporting local communities, culture, and art. Initiatives related to reducing inequalities (Sustainable Development Goal No.
Translation or transcreation?
It is generally accepted that a reliable translation must faithfully reflect the content of the source document.
International Translation Day
The author of the first Latin translation of the Bible – Saint Jerome – would probably be very surprised that the work to which he devoted over 20 years of his life can now be done in much less time.
Online services
In recent years, it has turned out that some translation and conference services can be successfully provided, partially or completely, online.
World Wellbeing Day
Today is World Wellbeing Day. The first celebration of this day was organised in Poland by the Wellbeing Institute on 8 September 2018, and its aim was to draw attention to the issue of well-being and health of employees.
The International Conference of Orchestras
W dniach 6–8 września 2023 r. w Narodowym Forum Muzyki im. Witolda Lutosławskiego we Wrocławiu odbędzie się pierwsza w Polsce Międzynarodowa Konferencja Orkiestr Orchestras Now!
Lidex – technical support
It is worth remembering that Lidex means not only translation and interpreting services, but also, to a large extent, technical support for conferences. Our Conference Department is already preparing for the next months of the conference season. We service equipment and train ourselves to constantly improve and meet the expectations of our Clients.
Social initiatives
At Lidex, we live not only for translations, conferences, and events. It is equally important to us to support beautiful and important social initiatives.
Literacki Sopot 2023
The “Literacki Sopot” Literature Festival is another must-see event in Tricity this summer. This year’s, already 12th edition of the festival takes place from 17 to 20 August, and its leitmotif is German literature and culture.
Translation and subtitles for a reportage
Usually, reports, contracts and all sorts of materials associated with the business operations of our Clients are the types of documents we most often translate. We do also, however, frequently take on much more difficult tasks.
Lidex in the 6th position in the 2023 ranking of Central and Eastern European companies
The latest ranking of translation companies from Central and Eastern Europe, prepared by CSA Research, has just been published.
Gdynia Design Days 2023
If you are a design enthusiast and you are staying in the vicinity of the Tri-City in the first days of July, we have a very interesting offer for you – Gdynia Design Days (1-9 July).
Lidex – the ball is in play!
Many say that football is the Polish national sport. You can agree with it or not, but there is no doubt that it evokes a lot of emotions. And there will be no shortage of those in the near future, because the Euro 2024 qualifiers are underway.
Certified translations
Certified translations are one of the services we are pleased to offer to our Clients – also business and institutional ones. Thanks to cooperation with sworn translators of practically all languages, we are able to meet all needs.
Good practices of Lidex in the FOB Report
On April 17, we participated in the ceremonial premiere of the “Responsible Business in Poland. Good practices” Report.
We provided interpreting services during the Polish-Ukrainian Economic Forum with the participation of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy
Lidex has always been where history is made.
Happy Easter
The warm rays of the spring sun herald joy, prosperity, and happiness. Everything around comes to life and brings hope for a better tomorrow. Happy Easter!
5 x ISO – Lidex – Quality and Security Leader
The role of the leader is to set trends. That is why we have been doing it for 34 years. This applies, among others, to security standards.
Lidex 2023 socially engaged
Today we would like to share information about Lidex’s latest actions for sustainable development. We have been working for charity for years, we support – within our possibilities – initiatives from the world of culture, art, and international cooperation. We also undertake our own projects in the field of equality and environmental protection.
The challenging year 2022 has passed: We have completed more than 14,000 projects for over 1,200 clients. This includes more than 1,000 conference events – which gives us nearly 3 projects every day. Hybrid and online events were certainly the king and queen of 2022 interpreting and meeting support services.