Lidex – jesteśmy tam
gdzie tworzy się historia
Opening of the exhibition “Signs of Freedom. On the Persistence of Polish National Identity”
As part of the exhibition “Signs of Freedom. On the Persistence of Polish National Identity” at the Royal Castle in Warsaw, which was officially inaugurated on 9 November, visitors can see 500 works of art, several hundred documentary photographs, archival documents, film montages and listen to soundtracks related to the theme of freedom. The aim…
UN Day 2018 Gala
On 15 October, a formal UN Day 2018 Gala organised by Global Compact Network Poland was held at Ufficio Primo in Warsaw. It was an exceptional event as this year marks the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The gala featured an award presentation for Architects of Development 2018 as an expression…
23rd edition of Book of Lists
On 17 September 2018 in the Ludwikowska Ballroom at the Polonia Palace Hotel, a festive gala was held on the occasion of publication of the 23rd edition of the BOOK OF LISTS annual (2018/2019). During the ceremony, companies which came in first in their respective 2018/2019 rankings were awarded certificates. The masters of ceremonies were…
3. Gdańsk Democracy Week
14 September marked the start of the third edition of the Gdańsk Democracy Week, which this year is being organised under the slogan “Without civil society there is no democracy”. As part of the event, a conference entitled “World War II – Operations on Memory” was held. It began with a lecture by Professor Norman…
Good news from our Łódź Branch Office
We are happy to inform that the Łódź Branch Office of Lidex has been awarded the contract for provision of translation services to the Department of Promotion and International Cooperation at the Marshal Office of Łódź. The scope of services includes translation of written texts, conference interpreting as well as other interpreting assignments for the…
AGAD and Gesher Galicia Symposium “Archives versus Jewish Galicia”
The Symposium, which gathered speakers and panellists from different countries, was jointly organised by Gesher Galicia and the Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw on 7 August 2018. Simultaneous interpretation in both English and Polish was provided during all Symposium sessions. For part of the day, LIDEX also provided simultaneous interpretation in Polish and…
Summary of interesting events held in June
The spring conference season has been intense and busy, but with the end of the sixth month of the year it was time for holidays and rest. However, before everyone heads off on a well-deserved holiday, we would like to share our summary of interesting events held in June. At the end of May and…
We are changing and…
… we have just refreshed our wordmark. We have simplified it to improve clarity and legibility. We hope that this new look will appeal to our Customers and Partners.
31 May-1 June at LIDEX
Please be informed that on 31 May (statutory holiday) our offices are closed. On 1 June (Friday), as an exception, our offices are open from 8 a. m.
70 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
On 23 and 24 April 2018, the Lower House of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland in Warsaw hosted the 10th International Scientific Conference on the topic: “Universal and Regional Systems of Human Rights Protection 70 Years After the Proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Achievements – Barriers – New Challenges and…
Archival exhibition in Sarajevo on the Katyń Massacre
Commissioned by the Archives of Modern Records, the Lidex Translation Centre carried out the translation from Polish into Bosnian and English of the documents that were included in the exhibition on the Katyń Massacre. The ceremonial opening of the exhibition took place last Friday, i. e.
LIDEX: News from the Katowice Branch Office
Despite the freezing weather, it was hot at the . We have delivered many translations of more than 100 pages, in an extremely short time, into English, Ukrainian, German and Spanish, among other languages. Orders also included a large number of financial statements, management board reports and website texts.
International Winter Road Congress in Gdańsk
Last Tuesday 20 February marked the start of the 15th International Winter Road Congress, which will run until 23 February. It is hosted by the World Road Organisation PIARC and the General Directorate of National Roads and Motorways. The congress has been organised every four years since 1969.
Winter news from the Łódź Branch Office
The Łódź Branch Office of the LIDEX Translation Centre has had a lot of work lately and has carried out interesting projects for its customers The branch has delivered a conference with simultaneous interpreting in Karpacz, simultaneous interpreting at an event of a large clothing company, consecutive interpreting in Berlin on the association of farmers…
Diplomatic Opening of the Year at the National Chamber of Commerce (KIG)
Every year, the “Diplomatic Opening of the Year” ceremony at the National Chamber of Commerce is an opportunity to present plans for international economic cooperation implemented by individual institutions, ministries and the economic self-government. It is also an appropriate place to express gratitude for the support so far provided to Polish entrepreneurs on foreign markets.…
The year 2017 is behind us
2017 was a year of struggle. LIDEX carried out many tactical operations and special missions Our entire team gave their all. Now, after the summary, we are 100% sure – IT WAS WORTH IT!
Leap into the New Year
In the New Year, we wish you good health. We also wish you that your dreams come true and that you are successful in your professional and private life. The year 2018 that is just beginning is the 29th year of business for the LIDEX Translation and Conference Services Centre in the fields of interpreting,…